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The Willful Warrior

“People don’t care what you know, until they know you care”

-Theodore Roosevelt

The Willful Warrior is led by Leland Holgate Sr., a combat veteran, former paraplegic, and now a studying Neuropsychologist with a forthcoming double Doctorate.

The Willful Warrior Welcome Home method is the culmination of nearly 10 years worth of research and study, and it is based in Neuroscience, Psychology, Epigenetics, and ancient breath techniques. The practice activates gene expression that upregulates health in every aspect of the body and brain, and has a very positive effect on the mind.

Everything in our breathwork and meditation sessions, including the specially selected music, creates order, coherence and stability in the body and brain.

We also use this method with our Warriors post-military service to overcome PTSD and depression. Done properly, there is a biochemical shift away from the hormones of stress – cortisol, adrenaline, norepinephrine, and an increase in your “happy” hormones like oxytocin, dopamine, serotonin, and endorphins.

It also turns on the production of metabolites, activates neuropeptides, and many healing biochemical compounds such as Dimethyltryptamine DMT (The Spirit Molecule), & Anandamide (The Bliss Molecule).


The Willful Warrior Home Method

The culmination of nearly 10 years worth of research and study, based in Neuroscience, Psychology, Epigenetics, and ancient breath techniques.