Welcome Home PTSD & Addiction


The Welcome Home Method is a somatic therapy, that helps release trapped energy in the tissues of the body while simultaneously expelling waste and toxins through exhales.

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Video Length: 48 minutes, 22 seconds

So much of how we feel in the present moment is connected to the one thing we do, every single moment of every single day. Breathe. As emotions, memories, and thoughts arise, they can change our state of being, which can then change our breathing patterns. This then becomes a recurring cycle, as our breathing patterns fuel our emotions, and our emotions fuel our breathing patterns.

The Welcome Home Method is a somatic therapy, so it releases trapped energy in the tissues of the body and expels waste and toxins through your exhales. It increases your Breathing IQ, and modulates your breathing patterns. The more you do the breathwork, the more you train the right muscles for breathing, the more your body’s natural way of deeply inhaling and exhaling increases. This modulates your state, and gives you a better chance of catching yourself when entering an excited state, and calming down by choice.

**This meditation includes the Pineal Activation Breath**

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